When it comes to building work and extending your house, one of the main problems builders face is protecting existing door frames and edges of existing brickwork. This can often be compounded if high levels of traffic need to go through the property (because no rear access is available).
The use of wheel barrows, brick carriers and other building materials can cause considerable damage to property, so protecting frames and brick edges is of vital importance, not only to upkeep the cosmetic appearance, but for the builder to avoid any insurance claims or building repair work.
GMA Systems are a UK supplier of semi slit foam door jamb protectors to the trade industry. We use them because they are conveniently sized in 2m lengths, so they fit straight into existing doorway reveals. They can be used externally and because they are made of closed foam, the foam door jamb protectors are completely waterproof and are fire rated. Another great benefit is that they are reusable, the foam has a memory and after just 24hours they return to their closed position. We’ve also used them to protect the top of single leaf brickwork, they are quick and the shape of them keeps rain not only from penetrating the top of the brickwork, but the brick face as well. They act as a perfect drip, keeping water at bay.
Traditionally the building industry has used hessian to protect brickwork, but we’ve found that the foam protectors are a great alternative. And don’t be fooled by the use of door jamb in their name, they are also fantastic at protecting window openings including protecting window sills from mortar splashes and other debris. This is a common problem in the building industry, so the foam protectors really are multi functional and can be used to for several different safeguarding purposes on a construction site.
We recently used them on a garage conversion in Northfield, and below are several pictures depicting the foam door jamb protectors in use on door reveals and to protect window frames and sills.